Wednesday, March 9, 2011

ITNW1437 (Introduction to Internet) last blog

Dr. P:  I read all the student blogs, and noted that Ronald's blog seemed to be up to date.  I think I successfully posted a comment to Ronald's blog.  It seemed I had to go through several password attempts to get there, but I wanted to post one comment to one student blog.  I know it seems like these blogs are sort of in a vacuum.
In late Jan, I was supposed to provide links to two web sites of interest to the topic in my web page.  I posted a link to Arne Westerman's site, but did not post a link to a second site.  That link is for .   One of my earlier posts featured my attempt of one of his "how to" projects.


  1. Hello there, I appreciate the comment on my blog, as well as the reconition on yours of being up to date lol. Im having the same issue some blogs are way off track, an others are for personal use, so i decided to post back on yours for my final blog requirement, since u showed concern to catch up, and also be up to date with your blogging. Looks good and dont forget to hook up ya student webpages...ttyl

    Ronald Ackerson

  2. Hello Brian, I have decided to comment on your blog for my final blog.I have went through all of the blogs in the class and I have found your blog to be very intersting. I think you really have talent when it comes to drawing and doing watercolors. I thought you really have good art work especially when I saw all of your work in art class last semester, it turned out that you just so happen to be in this class.Its good to see that you are all caught up on your blogs and websites just keep up the good work.
