Sunday, February 27, 2011

This week's painting required more time than usual.  It's from a photograph in Arne Westerman's book, but not one of his demonstration samples.  Still,its his composition and his model selection, and his use of light was so much better than what I can do on my own.  Still, I'm pleased with my efforts, and the colors are so much brighter from the paint than they are even in Mr. Westerman's book. 

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Not sure why I wasn't able to upload two photographs in one blog entry.  Here's the photograph of the painting I did two weeks ago.   . 

Two more watercolors

Here's two Thursday's worth of paintings.  Both are my own from square one.  You will note that the follow-alongs from demonstrations in the Arne Westerman book were a lot better.  That was because Mr. Westerman used his super artistic abilities to compose the original paintings, using his knowledge of composition and design as well as his knowledge of painting.  The two paintings I am posting this week are based some photographs I took at a Copperas Cove TX high school football game.  You can see I need to work on the dynamic composition, but they turned out a little better than I thought they would.  The color is so much better than the photographs, and I have eliminated a lot of the distractors found in most photographs to get to a single focal point:

Saturday, February 5, 2011

5th Blog

Here's the watercolor I did while I was in the hospital with my wife on Thursday, 3 Feb 11.   This time I used a how-to type four step instruction from a book I check out of the Casey library at Fort Hood.  The book is
The Figure in Watercolor by Mel Stabin.  I used the example the author called "Thinking" on pages 72-73.  His style was different than Arne Westerman's.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

4th Blog

Dr. P.  In reference to the study tips site you wanted us to check out.  This site is very comprehensive.  If one mastered this site, college would be a breeze.  I have information like this  before, while studying for numerous courses.  It is a good reference site.